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How it Works


Complete A Profile

Whether you want to get support for your startup or give support by mentoring or advising young entrepreneurs, it all starts with creating your free profile so you can MESSAGE and MEET members.


Orbit and Collaborate

As a member of, you’ll be able to message, meet, and collaborate with other members to work on projects and complete business milestones that propel your business ideas forward.


Celebrate Your Wins!

Members develop valuable business skills and build meaningful relationships—all while building innovative businesses and increasing equity in entrepreneurship!

Meet Our

Nearly 40,000 underrepresented entrepreneurs have signed up to get help for businesses in all industries,including fashion, food, beauty, health and wellness, consulting, and more!


Identify as women


Identify as Black


Identify as people of color


Report low income

Ready to make a meaningful impact in just 1-2 hours a month?


How we can help you?

Follow our newsletter. We will regularly update our latest project and availability.