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Success Stories

Ranesha Smith


About my business

Ranesha Smith's motivation for starting D'vine Sweetz is a tribute to her late mother, Thomasence Washington-Custard, who was a beloved baker in their hometown of Wichita, Kansas. Inspired by her mother's words, "Ranesha, take your gift in baking seriously," Ranesha dedicated herself to building a business that creates unique and delicious experiences in the world of dipped treats and tea.

Ranesha is driven daily by her mother's legacy and her hope to inspire her three sons and others she meets: "Chase your dream, be the you that you were created to be, and nothing in this life is easy, but it is VERY much well worth it."

Tulsa | OK
Founder, D'vine Sweetz

My Mentors


Business milestones achieved

  • First customer
  • Hired employee, vendor or independent contractor
  • Annual sales
  • Funding
  • Business Plan
  • Designed product/service
  • Business Website
  • Business license
  • Purchased equipment or supplies
  • First customer testimonial or review

Business mentoring story

Ranesha faced significant challenges in the early stages of her business, particularly in creating a professional business website. Determined to enhance her business's professionalism, she enrolled in a free website training program through GoDaddy. Over three weeks, she stretched her capabilities and successfully completed the course, resulting in a professional website where customers can contact her, shop her products, and much more.

Mentors like Bill, Josh, and Demetria have been instrumental in Ranesha's journey. Bill helped her understand the financial aspects of her business, develop and perfect her pitches, and identify her market. Josh assisted her in applying for grants and programs tailored to black-owned, women-owned businesses. Demetria provided guidance on business strategies and day-to-day operations. "These three individuals gave me a greater knowledge on how to run a business, seek out opportunities, and took the time to walk side by side with me to win."

Completing milestones such as acquiring her first customer, hiring employees, achieving annual sales, and securing funding boosted Ranesha's confidence in herself and her brand, allowing her to scale her business.

Ranesha approached funding through personal funds, pitch competitions, and finding investors. Sky's the Limit has been a valuable tool for networking, pitching her business, and hearing inspiring stories that keep her faith and hope alive.

Balancing her business with her personal life as a wife, mother of three boys, and a special needs teacher has been challenging. Ranesha learned to set boundaries, prioritize, and manage her time effectively using a calendar and to-do lists.

Her advice to new entrepreneurs is grounded in faith and resilience: "Galatians 6:9 - So, let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessings if we do not give up. Give yourself space and grace to grow. Know that failing is part of the process, but get back up."

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