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Success Stories

John Jairo


About my business

Spalla is real estate and project management company that seeks to provide low cost housing to middle and low income earners in Kenya. 

"We help low income earners to afford a home, and live sustainably in it. We help people make early investments in homeownership, help them acquire spaces and build their homes from scratch. Our homes are green, such that they make efficient use of energy and aid in environmental conservation," said John

Nairobi | Kenya

My Mentors

  • Niraj Tiwari, IT Operation Manager at Accenture
  • Zak Long, Accenture

Business milestones achieved

  • Business Plan
  • Business Website
  • Tested idea
  • Designed product/service
  • First customer testimonial or review

Business mentoring story

One of the first steps in launching a business is developing a business plan, which is the foundation that feeds into everything. Another key element is building a website to showcase products and services. John worked with two mentors from Accenture, Niraj and Zak to get create these critical pieces to launch his business. Building off of their experience, Niraj and Zak were able to provide the support he was looking for. 

"Niraj helped me to review my pitch, as well as gave insights on my business structure. Zak long gave me insights on the the type of website I could develop for my business," said John

This experience has been invaluable for John. He accomplished what he had set out to do.

Through his with mentors, he was able to  accomplish several key milestones: tested idea, business plan, designed product/service, business website
and first customer testimonial or review. His mentoring has given him the solid foundation to build and grow his business. 

"I was able to launch my business, and now I have customers making inquiries. I am still working on closing my first sale," said John.

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