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Success Stories

Ifechukwude Arah
About my business
College Park | MD
My Mentors
Business milestones achieved
Business mentoring story
Ifechukwude Arah is destined for greatness
Ifechukwude Arah’s story is rooted in her grandmother’s prayers for her and in the Black diaspora, and she has always known honoring that would be her purpose in life. Her company, N.W.A.D., is all about protecting the future of Black women by reconnecting to the past.
“With the guidance of my God, the creator of the universe, my ancestors, and my earthly parents, I will continue to shine the light that has always been buried deep within me.”
Adversity begets opportunity
Ifechukwude’s life experience has not been easy, but she has come to interpret her challenges as strengths. The personal difficulties she experienced, like food and housing insecurity, academic struggles, and mental and physical health issues, have only made her attitude more positive. Her head is high and her eyes are on the prize. As she puts it, “So many roses have bloomed despite the bed of thorns that I have encountered.”
These challenges also mean she doesn’t take anything for granted. Faced with generations of oppression and ignorance to others’ situations, Ifechukwude set out to meet as many people who are and aren’t like her as possible. She soaks up every opportunity and perspective she encounters. “I have been offered chances to have traveled to epicenters of the young, gifted, and Black and taken those opportunities by the reins in the most transparent way possible.” She is an enthusiastic learner who is eager for new and diverse knowledge. Her own history and the history of Black people is of special interest, and lifting up those stories has become her company’s mission.
A business that represents her whole self
N.W.A.D. is a wearable art. Ifechukwude wants to tell the story of the Black diaspora with her brand, and she wants customers who have bought into that story. She makes art and clothes for other Black women and she never forgets who this company is for. Even though her journey to adulthood and to entrepreneurship has been hard at times, the Black women who have supported and loved her remain Ifechukwude’s focus.
“All of these problems turned into reminders of the promises that I have kept to my target consumers and target audience by trying my best to make my products and services for N.W.A.D. accessible and affordable for all who are interested in being paying customers.”
Ifechukwude would like N.W.A.D. to be an international brand that inspires and empowers Black women across the globe, and she is open to a partnership with the right brand.
“I would be very excited if I could score a deal with a leading sportswear brand or store, in order to allow this dream of mine to manifest into a reality.”
With Sky’s the Limit, Ifechukwude has been able to formalize her business plans and achieve milestones like testing an idea, getting a business license, and setting up her company’s website. She also gets to meet and work with other entrepreneurs who understand where she’s coming from.

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