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Success Stories

Andrew Floreza
About my business
Denver | CO
My Mentors
Business milestones achieved
Business mentoring story
Andrew Floreza is determined to provide plant-based meals focused on sustainability. He believes that his life’s purpose is to help those around him and to inspire and motivate the youth around him to strive toward building stronger communities. That’s why when he started Helping, Inc he decided to commit some of the proceeds toward feeding the homeless. Helping also offers a program to connect patrons to the community by allowing them to pay it forward with a matched amount that guarantees someone else a healthy meal with service as warm as the food. He believes that in taking action on a person level with those we come in contact with on a daily basis we can become stronger.
Andrew started his entrepreneurial journey in the Oakland area building his food truck and was struggling when it came to setting his business finances up. After working with several members, he was able to grow his business. However, he soon faced some mechanical issues including a generator replacement that put Helping back $4,000. was able to provide guidance through this difficult time and help him get back to providing food to his community.
Andrew’s dreams were for Helping, Inc to expand and be implemented in other communities and businesses across the US. So during the COVID-19 after receiving Skysthelimit Rise and Thrive emergency relief funding, he decided to leave Oakland and head for Denver, CO. He hopes that Denver will be a more affordable location for him to grow his business and to pay it forward. The mission of Helping is still as strong as ever. Helping will feed those in need by creating connections with their community and build a stronger, healthier world in the process.

“Hardest thing I’ve ever done and I couldn’t have done it without Sky’s the Limit. Thank you so much!”
Andrew Floreza

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