Service Development
Learn how to sell services like the world's best stylists, personal trainers, and cooks. Prototype services, compile a list of service businesses, price competitively, and create a plan to provide services to your customer. Satisfy your customers...your story online can make all the difference.
How to improve your service
Getting feedback and taking action to improve your business will help you maintain a happy and loyal customer base.
How to provide customer service
Use the general guidelines in this article to help you design your own process for how you will provide your services to customers.
How to Sell a Service
After you find someone who has a problem, you have to convince them that you are the right person to help them. You’ll need to educate your prospective customer and build trust.
How To Price A Service
Pricing your service is challenging because you want to strike a balance between what your time is worth and what the service is worth, while staying competitive and driving business. Learn how to calculate your baseline hourly rate!
How To Design Your Service
A service business delivers a product that is primarily composed of personal labor and expertise to deliver the desired work. You can easily design your service in 3 easy steps: design your service, test your service and improve your service.
What Is A Service Based Business?
Learn how to create a design a service. Learn how to prototype services, to compile a list of services, to price competitively and sell, to create a plan to provide services to your customer, and to improve your services. Start learning now!