Research & Development

How To Conduct SWOT Analysis

This project guide helps two Sky’s the Limit members work together through three meetings as they collaborate to achieve a specific milestone.

Meeting 1: Strengths and weaknesses

Before this meeting:

In this meeting:

  • Discuss your business’s strengths.

  • Discuss your business’s weaknesses.

  1. Use the SWOT Analysis Template in the article to take notes.

After this meeting:

  • Review your list and add anything you think of after the meeting to your template.

  • Note any agreed-upon next steps.


Meeting 2: Opportunities and threats

Before this meeting:

In this meeting:

  • Discuss your business’s opportunities. 

  • Discuss your business’s weaknesses.

  • Use your SWOT Analysis Template to take notes.

After this meeting:

  • Review your list and add anything you think of after the meeting to your template.

  • Note any agreed-upon next steps.


Meeting 3: Opportunities and threats

Before this meeting:

  • Review your SWOT Analysis Template

In this meeting:

  • Identify your main Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and add them to the last page of your SWOT Analysis Template. 

  • Explore possibilities for new efforts or solutions to problems.

  • Discuss the best path for your business. 

  • Determine possible changes. 

After this meeting:

  • Take action: Let this analysis guide your decision making. Adjust and refine pas needed. A new opportunity might open wider avenues, while a new threat could close a path that once existed.

  • Be sure to mark your project complete, update your business tracker, and start a new project!

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